This week Bethany has been running a fever, and hasn't made it to school at all. She hasn't been terribly uncomfortable until last night, when I heard her coughing several times during the night. This was actually one of the first favorites I thought of as I started to ponder my last decade, and it came back to me at 4:07 this morning.
#35: Recovery from sleep deprivation.
Not that this is a typical 40s experience, but hey. It's mine.
Here we are, just before I turned 39.
Having our kids close together seemed practical at that age.
I am so glad that even in the days of film
when I hadn't a clue what I was doing,
I took pictures like a crazy woman.
Because if it weren't for those pictures
I'm not sure I would remember anything
about those days.
I am so thankful my kids finally turned into good sleepers.
After they were two. Or more.