Up the hill from our state capitol (for bonus points to anyone
who has never lived here, what is the capital of Minnesota???), resides a beautiful cathedral. It holds a more prominent position than the capitol building, and you can't miss it as you drive through the city. It is a favorite place to take people who visit from out of town. I love the way the carvings of Jesus and the disciples (along with a couple of guardian angels) welcome people through its doors.
One year when the kids were probably 2 and 4, we took Lee's parents to see the cathedral. It just so happened that it was about 6:50 on Saturday evening. When we drove up and heard the bells chiming, we realized it was soon to be time for mass. We knew we had enough time to go in and see the inside before the service began, so we hurried in. I picked up Ben and said, "The bells are ringing, letting everyone know it's time to worship." When we went in, the music of the organ overwhelmed me. Ben was wide-eyed. I told him, "The music is so loud and beautiful that it reminds us of how huge and great God is." Our own church is on the small side, so by contrast, the cathedral's ornate ceiling seemed to tower above us. As Ben looked up, I said, "It seems to go so high that it stretches almost to heaven." I loved that all around the inside of the dome were inscriptions reminiscent of Psalm 150:
Praise ye the Lord in His sanctuary.
Praise Him for His mighty deeds.
Praise Him with a loud chorus.
Praise Him with strings and organ.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord.
I have always treasured the memory of that unexpected moment of worship, shared with a captivated little boy. A few months ago, I was thinking about it, and decided when the weather got nice I would go over there and take pictures. Yesterday was such a day, and my friend Debra not only went with me, but she also showed me around the adjoining neighborhood where there were some very fun places I knew nothing about. Now I will have to go back with the rest of my family. What a great day!
(Note: To view the slideshow without going to the photo album in Picasa, click on the black frame at the bottom of the photo and click the play arrow that comes up there.)