You know what all this means? I am celebrating my 8th anniversary as a stay at home mom by sending BOTH of my kids off to school ALL DAY! Is it OK for me to use the word "celebrating"?
Well, of course I am celebrating eight years as a mom. What an unbelievable eight years it has been! Our kids are so much fun, and so uniquely created by their Maker. He amazes me and catches me by surprise often as I observe Benjamin and Bethany, and the special traits that they each possess, each so characteristically THEM. What a great God! It has often made me think how much He must have smiled and laughed as He lovingly crafted each of us, and how much joy it must bring Him just to watch us "do our thing".
And yes, I am celebrating being a stay at home mom. It was a MAJOR change for me to end a 15 year teaching career that I loved, to trade it in for a full-time position in parenting. I have never regretted it, not even once. It has always been the right choice for me. How I celebrate the fact that I have savored these years with my little ones! While some days have been more challenging than others, with all my heart I celebrate the fact that I will never look back and say that I wish I had enjoyed those years more because they were gone so fast. I have enjoyed them as much as a mom possibly could. And I am so, SO thankful for the opportunity that both the Lord and my husband afforded me.
And yes, I am unashamedly celebrating sending my kids to school, all day, both of them. Hallelujah! Do you see their faces? They jumped out of bed this morning, made their beds, practically ran for the breakfast table...they are SO excited! Schools are wonderful places, and we are blessed with a very fine one. There is no doubt that they'll be seeing me over there a lot, just as they did last year. These are the "wonder years" where they still love school, and are happy to have Mom there.
So what now for me? Well, morning walks and a cup of coffee, uninterrupted showers, Monday morning Moms in Touch, Tuesday morning Bible study, CLEANING my house...that should get me to about Christmas. After that, I'll keep you posted. Today I'm going to buy Ben's birthday present. Did I tell you he's eight?
These are great reflections, and great pictures too.
Thanks, Mary! It was good to have some "company" in the comments section as the page turns on this chapter. :-)
It's funny that you used the phrase "wonder years." That sitcom is being shown on the ION station Monday-Thursday nights and I've enjoyed the experience thoroughly. For some reason, I didn't watch it much when it was actually on primetime but it is a precious show with so many good lessons. Just thought I'd share that.
Well I'm glad it's actually good. I honestly don't remember ever seeing it, but based on the title, I must be living it! :-) Thanks for taking time to let me know.
Your blogs are fantastic! I am thankful for the pictures and updates on the kids. They are indeed precious and I will hold them in my best memories always. Looking forward to checking your blogs regularly.
In Christ,
Carolyn B.
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