Photo 52, Week 41: Harvest
I went to the arboretum to capture the harvest theme. They didn't disappoint!
We watched this squirrel for several minutes.
He looked like he was trying to harvest something inside the basket.
The funny thing was, he didn't appear to be doing any damage!
He was so funny to watch, and VERY busy!
The kids had something completely different in mind when it came to harvest.
Both of them told me it had been TOO LONG since we had visited our friends at their farm.
So we went! It was so fun to see Maggie and Timothy
and check out their harvest.
But surely you know it's not the plants that are so interesting to the kids, right?
Here was the real surprise--
unbeknownst to ANYONE, these little beauties showed up to check out the company.
So sweet!
We got there just before milking time.
I was surprised how quickly it went.
Peggy has the system down pat.
She is quite the amazing farmer.
(You might remember her from before.)
We caught up over coffee and snacks.
It had been too long.
Something happens the older you get--
if you make new friends but keep the old--
it gets hard to keep up with them all.
But just because you can't KEEP up
doesn't mean you can't CATCH up!
We met because of these two.
They were in swimming lessons together when they were five
(and Maggie was brand new).
Now they are both taller than their moms.

I am thankful for the way that the years and the passing of time
serve as constant reminders of God's faithfulness.
The ways he cares for us, and for our kids--
ways we never could have thought up on our own--
are stories that will serve as life foundations.
The passing of time is an invitation to tell the stories.
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive,
full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."
James 3:17-18
(By the way, speaking of not having kept up--
Peggy has been blogging about her life at the farm
and posting delicious recipes
and things that are great to know about food and the body.
She is truly an expert.
You can meet her up close and personal at
With All Your Life.)
They were in swimming lessons together when they were five
(and Maggie was brand new).
Now they are both taller than their moms.
I am thankful for the way that the years and the passing of time
serve as constant reminders of God's faithfulness.
The ways he cares for us, and for our kids--
ways we never could have thought up on our own--
are stories that will serve as life foundations.
The passing of time is an invitation to tell the stories.
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive,
full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."
James 3:17-18
(By the way, speaking of not having kept up--
Peggy has been blogging about her life at the farm
and posting delicious recipes
and things that are great to know about food and the body.
She is truly an expert.
You can meet her up close and personal at
With All Your Life.)
Oh what a fun day you had...first the arboretum (so colorful) then the trip to the farm to catch up with old friends...wonderful!! And what great photos too, I so enjoyed your day with you!!
We so enjoyed your visit, and once again your words are too kind...I am humbled. Your friendship gives such joy to my soul and it is so wonderful that the kids too can pick up where they left off last year, just as we did. My kids were so glad that this farm is a place your kids wanted to be on their day off of school.
I love this post. I think your pictures are getting better and better.
I can't wait to go and meet your friend. I sort of have a thing for farmers ; ).
Your pictures of life at Peggy's farm are as wonderful this time as last. Bethany + kittens is a little slice of heaven, methinks.
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