Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hard to be a Hater


It's not a completely popular perspective around these parts
(some people can't appreciate prolific precipitation)

...but please... this not perfectly picturesque??


Janette said...


Janean said...

AMEN! I love winter and support anyone else who can see its beauty :)

Melissa Mae said...

Take me on a winter winter and show your perspective... I might learn a thing or two (as always).

Joy said...

I agree totally. It is beautiful and pictures.
Beautiful shots Tracy. That is a pile of snow in your yard.

I lived in snow country for a while. I'm just not cut out for it.

♥ Joy

Melissa B. said...

Yes, these certainly are Superior Snaps. And you almost draw me in. But I've LIVED through the "snow thing" this week, and I honestly don't know how y'all do it. Well, I guess it starts with the fact that your local gov'ts know how to remove snow from the roads, correctamundo?

Givinya De Elba said...

Since I am sitting here in short sleeves and 3/4 length jeans, I am fully able to appreciate it! How beautiful! I just want to hop on some skis and take off!

Julie said...

it is beautiful

Skeller said...

It *IS*!!!! Perfectly picturesque!

So. much. BEAUTY.