Only one thing. Pulling up a seat at the feet of the Savior. And instead I yell to him from the kitchen. So many days, that's my story. If I acknowledge him at all.
I've been studying this book with a group of women from my church, and it has been a blessing. I have found it to be somewhat basic in its truths, but I must be honest. The basics of the Christian life, namely heart to heart conversation with the Lord and focused study of His Word, are where I am most prone to failure. Without these, I am motivated for my life's activities by duty and a sense of responsibility, along with a big dose of whatever suits me best at the moment. It's the time of conscious awareness of God's presence that changes everything, for when I gaze on Him I am much more frequently motivated by love and gratitude.
One of my favorite sections of the book is a quote from a booklet I first read in high school: "My Heart Christ's Home", by Robert Boyd Munger.
"Without question one of the most remarkable Christian doctrines is that Jesus Christ Himself through the presence of the Holy Spirit will actually enter a heart, settle down and be at home there," Munger says. "Jesus came into the darkness of my heart and turned on the light. He built a fire in the cold hearth and banished the chill. He started music where there had been stillness and He filled the emptiness with His own loving, wonderful fellowship."
Do you see how many senses Munger uses when he describes the impact of the presence of Christ in our hearts? Sight. Touch. Hearing. It made me realize that I need to use my senses as I spend time with him.
So I did something about it. I pulled a candle out of the cupboard and began lighting it as I meet with Him. I placed it where I can see its light, feel its warmth, and smell its aroma as I read, study and pray. It reminds me He is here. He is the Almighty one who calls me friend, who stands ready and able to tackle the day's tasks and concerns as I walk beside Him.
When it's time to blow the candle out, I pray that I'd remember that He is with me all day long. And I ask Him to shine through me.
Jesus is the Light of the World.
Jesus wants US to be His light to the world.
Yes, He is. Thanks for this thoughtful post. BTW, don't forget Sx3 today...we could use your singular sense of style!
Tracy: You are a wise and faithful servant. I think I need to pick up that book. You've inspired me!
Beautiful post. One of my all time faves. I'm off to dig up a candle. :)
That's a beautiful quote! I love the idea of incorporating all the senses.
I read this book some years ago. I think it might be time for a reread! blessings, marlene
I needed to hear this today! Thank you so much for sharing what God put on your heart!
And I've been wanting to read this book for years. I guess I need to get on paperbackswap and put it on the list!
Thanks again!
BTW, please tell Ben: Uncle Lynn decided to join the Bloggy Giveaway Carnival, so we're having an impromptu Pop'rs Giveaway this week!
Thanks, Tracy! The Mary/Martha book is on my list. I love the mental picture I got of you yelling from the kitchen...
That is lovely! Thanks for the post!
I needed to read this today. Thank you Tracy. I've heard of this book, but I've never read it. I'm so guilty of the "busyness" of life and not being quiet.
I think lighting a candle does help to focus us. It is a great idea.
Thanks for sharing your sweet heart.
P.S. We had two new moms at MITI yesterday. I am so excited. Fern is coming Feb. 11th.
Thanks so much for this post. I really have been telling myself to slow down and enjoy life a little more. The candle is a great idea and I love the photos too! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Oh Tracy. That was beautiful. We were just talking about Mary and Martha at church the other day. I have heard about this book and will have to go get it now! Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on winning the "non-quilters" giveaway at Stitchin' By the Lake!
Wow! That is such an amazing idea! You're right--we tend to not acknowledge the presence of our Savior in our hearts, which in turn makes our devotion to Him fade under the shadow of our wrongly-prioritized daily activities. Lighting a candle during personal time digging into the Word and praying is such an incredible idea! As a matter of fact, I believe I will adopt that practice as I enter into my time with Christ every morning. :)
Thanks for the encouragement and great idea! This greatly inspired me.
In His arms,
WOW...Oh how did that convict me...in so many ways. Thank you for this post...and these words which are spoken in TRUTH...Truly humbling...
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