Remember I told you about the I Heart Faces photo walk I went on with the pros and their awesome cameras? Did I mention that I was slightly intimidated with my little Panasonic point and shoot? Well, there was a photo contest for each city (20 of them) that hosted a walk. The leaders had to choose from all the amazing shots that were posted, and guess what? Here is the winning photo from our's mine!

Do you think it might have had something to do with the heart? I just happened to notice the other group above us shooting that, and shot right back up at them. That's the thing I enjoy about I Heart Faces. All the photos and photographers have so much HEART!
Too bad I didn't win the drawing for the BIG prize--a Tamron zoom lens. I was gonna have to buy the camera to go with it. My husband has been known to say, "I'd rather be lucky than good!" I kinda get what he means. But I'm very honored and inspired to keep learning with my point and shoot.
Thanks again, I Heart Faces, for a great event and daily inspiration!
And now, I'm heading over to the Vintage Pearl to spend my gift certificate. When I get my prize, I'll post a picture of it. :-)
I know that just made your day. Yay for you. How exciting. That is a very cool picture.
I just think the technology is so good with the point and shoots you can't beat them.
Plus you don't have to break your neck carrying it around. :)
All I want to say is, didn't I tell you that when I came over! I LOVE that you have heart! Heart is the best thing a photographer can have! Way to go! WAY TO GO! WAY TO GO! You are a super star!
I was also struck by this picture on your earlier post... there might be some luck in your photography but, IMO, most of it is skill!
that is awesome, I love that pic!!!
Congratulations! It's a wonderful picture and I can see why it won. You really do great photography with your "point and shoot", far better than I can even imagine doing! blessings, marlene
of course it's a winner! you did awesome. congrats!
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