Thursday, May 19, 2016

A moment to breathe


We live in an area rich with green space.
So much so that I practically have to pinch myself sometimes
because it's Right. Here. at my suburban doorstep.


I frequently take advantage of all the serenity on my morning walks with a friend,
but it's a little less often I get my family out there with me.


So it was my Mother's Day request.  They were excited.


Mother's Day 6

We hiked.  For like a whole mile.


There was a little competition for who would get to the little shelter first.  Ahem.

Mother's Day 4

In the end, one got to the shelter first.  One got to the lake first.
One smelled the flowers.  (And took pictures of them.)
And one (God bless him!) ran interference.



Mother's Day 8

We even discovered a geocache we weren't looking for.


And I got my favorite Mother's Day gift.



Skeller said...

They were excited. Delivered deadpan. At least your whole mile hike was filled with ever so much natural beauty. And that family selfie taken from the ground - soooo awesome!!

Gláucia Mir said...

Looooove! Your prose. Your heart. And especially, your photography.

Unknown said...

Now that sounds like a PERFECT mother's day treat to me : ). The kids are getting so big. I might have had to sniff back a tear when I saw this picture of Bethanny. She is so lovely.