Right now, I am in the throes of getting ready for Christmas.
We've been out of town the past two Christmases, so we haven't decorated much since three years ago. This year we have gone all out. The other night when we decorated the tree, the kids oohed and ahhed over the ornaments like they were long lost friends. It was very sweet.
There is all kinds of stuff going on in our world. Good stuff. Much of it Christmas related. I hope I get to sit down and write and post pictures about it soon. Ben was so juiced after a busy day yesterday that at bedtime he requested time to write an ABC acrostic poem about his day. How could we say no to that? We have such fun kids.
This week at iheartfaces, the theme is self-portrait. My sweet friend and photographer extraordinaire Susan Keller is always challenging photography enthusiasts to get in the picture. I couldn't agree more. Stop over this week and check out the creative ways to include yourself in the photo. Better yet, DO IT, and enter your own!

I'm curious. What does "getting ready for Christmas" mean to you?

I'm curious. What does "getting ready for Christmas" mean to you?
Cute picture! Love the way you took that one. :) Getting ready for Christmas...Advent candles, sewing for little ones, too much food, ornaments which cause memories of loved ones to dance through my head, laughter of children, peaceful evenings by the tree. blessings, marlene
What a creative picture Tracy.
I know you will enjoy being home this year. We're staying home too.
This evening for the first time I attended Lessons and Carols at our church. Leah was an acolyte so it got me there on the front row. The music and readings were beautiful. What a way to start the season.
♥ Joy
Love your creative and seasonal take on the challenge!
Festive! :)
What a cute idea!!
Great minds do think alike! :-) I like how you got your Christmas tree in the reflection. The hard part for me was figuring out how not to show all the clutter!! :-) Great job!
I love it friend. You look amazing in the glow of your Christmas lights.
Susan will be proud : )
Super cool! I LOVE your idea for a self portrait!
clever idea!! well done. :)
That is such a creative picture!
Happy holidays!
What a fun shot!
ooohh! Very festive:) Nice job!
We had the same idea! Ornament reflections are great!
Very creative and festive, Tracy! Fun to see a picture of you. And, it sounds like you passed the creative genes along to your kids! Have a great holiday!
perfect! great idea!
Love the reflection self portrait. :)
awesome sp, Tracy!!
funny note, my failed sp, was an awful lot like your fabulous one. but I could not for the life of me get the focus proper as soon as I moved out from behind the lens. fail. (i was doing it in the dark of night, with only Christmas tree lights and the bulb hanging on the tree. too much of a challenge for my lens.) I love how your bulb shows not only beautiful-you, but also all your lovely, festive room decor!
Love the pic!
Not so much decorating, but LOTs and LOTs of Christmas cookies! Sandbakkels, specifically, supplemented with Krumkakke and sugar cookies. Guess you're getting hit with lots of winter nastiness. Stay warm with some Beer Cheese soup. Tis the season!
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