My sister-in-law issued a challenge for a 365/photo-a-day blog for 2011. The idea is to take at least a picture a day. Ideally, one would also post them somewhere. Eventually. Maybe sooner than later. And maybe peek in on others who are doing the same. I've accepted the challenge, and created a new somewhere. It's here! I'm calling it my Photography Journey, and using it as a place to keep my photography resources, thoughts, and ideas. I'll still be posting photos with stories here at The Journey. Would anyone care to join us for this adventure? You don't have to start a new blog, or get a flickr account up and running by January 1. You just have to start taking pictures!
Ok, I definitely have to pass - I'm just shooting for making it to Bible study!
BUT, for my 2 cents - my friend has been doing this project all year, with her last photo tonight. She's a very interesting woman - she's brilliant, incredibly artistic and fascinatingly eccentric. She's a friend from high school. She now is a costume designer for the Los Angeles Opera.
Here's her 365.
Whoa, this is amazing!!
I noticed a friend of mine is doing that on facebook. She post a picture a day.
♥ Joy
Another blog friend did this in 2010 and I've so enjoyed her pictures and her perseverance! blessings, marlene
I think I already take too many photos - many of them are unpublishable nakey children shots.
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