Summer is giving way to fall. There is no getting around it.

I love summer, and even though fall is beautiful, it is hard to face the inevitable and let summer go. (Especially for us northerners.)

So I did something crazy. I took a little trip to say goodbye to summer. The day I went to this little town with Carla (look closely at the photo below or click on it to find out where I was), I just knew I needed to go back with my camera before the flowers had frozen, but after the leaves started turning.

This past week offered me the perfect day.

Goodbye summer...we'll miss you! But there are leaves to be raked and jumped in, thanks to be given, celebrations to be had, snowmen to be built, seeds to be planted...well, really, you'll be back before we know it!

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him." Romans 12: 1 (The Message)
Is there anything you need to let go?
I need to let go of my busyness. He has given me explicit intructions to rest in Him, to relax and to wait. My impatience gets in the way. blessings, marlene
Beautiful pictures! It's nice to walk around and embrace all of the beautiful things that God has given us!
Such beautiful pictures!!! I really like the ones of the church and train station.
Hmm...I think for me its not so much letting something go as it is stopping to make sure that I cherish this time with my daughter and to make sure that I also spend time with my husband.
The pictures are beautiful!!! I love summer too, but it is time to let it go and enjoy the beautiful fall colors and cool weather! Great post!
I need to let go of pregnancy!! C'mon baby girl, make your appearance! Any day now...
Love the Fall pics - my absolute favorite season.
Love the pics. I grew up in Mass. and moved to FL a couple years ago. I love the weather in FL but I do miss those beautiful fall leafs.
Beautiful shots!
I am letting go of something (again) that I keep grabbing back. Thanks for reminding me. Dropping it now...
I miss all of those colors! I grew up in Utah and loved to watch the colors on the mountains change. But, here in FL there's not a whole lot of that!
Just wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog... come back soon!
The leaves haven't started to change here yet and it has been incredibly warm. I am really looking forward to fall and the crisp air!
stumbled upon your blog through blogs around the world. I am a MN girl that recently transplanted myself in Denmark. Hopefully your blog will allow me to get a look into MN again while I am away. Hope you don't mind if I stop by.
Love the fall pictures. I'm a little sad I am not in MN to enjoy the wonderful fall weather.
Beautiful pictures! I love the fall and am so excited to go for a car ride up the canyon and really see the colors!
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