Friday, March 28, 2008

New Life

Since it's spring, and we've just celebrated Easter, I thought I'd give a little plug today to new life of a different kind.  Organ donation.

I can  only recall one person I've known before who had an organ transplant, but it just so happens that right now I specifically know of three people who are waiting for new organs. One liver, one heart, and two lungs.  They can't wait much longer.  It's not that these folks need someone to die in order for them to have a chance at life.  The fact is that healthy organs may well be buried today that could have given them that chance.  One life, already lost, could have saved all three. What these folks need is for someone to make their wishes known to someone who will pass along this incredibly precious gift.  

Have you made your wishes known?  Do it today!  Check your driver's license to make sure you've been identified as a donor. Mention it again to your loved ones.  Go to this site about organ donation if you need more information to think about.  Someday, even though it's hopefully a long way off, somebody, and their family, might be forever grateful.

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