"He has made everything beautiful in its time.
He has also set eternity in the human heart."
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Meet Bernadette.
We had a really unique session that was all her.
Bernadette is a musician, so we wanted to capture her making music.
She loves her flute, and plays it in marching band.
She has played the piano since she was little, so I got to hear some of that, too.
She chose the grand piano at her church.
It was, well, heavenly.
I was captivated by her bracelets.
She told me the stories of the friend who gave her the one with all the butterflies--
because they were the only insects she liked.
Of how the friends had met in middle school and been friends ever since.
It was a story filled with surprises.
Then she told me about her rosary.
How it helps her remember to focus
on the character and the mysteries of God.
If that's not a jump-start on life, I don't know what would be.
Bernadette also loves her math.
She wanted to incorporate some of that into her photos,
so she did a little designing for me.
She told me about a friend who had to answer an essay question on a college application that was the best ever.
She was asked, "If you were a mathematical model, what would you be?"
That got Bernadette thinking, and she said she would be a sine wave.
When I asked her why, she said they look cool, and they have no beginning or end.
They just go on forever.
That's why she loves pi too.

Bernadette, I loved how the theme of eternity kept coming up during our time together.
If you can keep things in the perspective of eternity,
your future is unquestionably bright!
God will guide you through every hill and valley,
and fill your heart with hope.
You shine for him so beautifully!