5 P.M.
It seems more like an invitation to confession than a photography theme.
I have a love/hate relationship with 5 P.M.
It's the time I rise up out of my chair (or dash home in a tizzy)
and take inventory of the food supply.
I can't say there's no food.
But I can't necessarily figure out how to make a decent meal out of it.
Thankfully on this day, someone has made a request.
AND I have the ingredients.
(Insert happy dance.)
And the pot I need to make it?
Hmmm, still soaking after last night's soup.
Wasn't someone gonna take care of that?
Oh, yeah, it was me. Or I.
Either way, my job.
This day 5 P.M. turns out fine, as it does on most of the days.
The chicken and dumplings were pretty delicious.
In spite of that moment of panic.

And tomorrow? Well at least we know there are pizza rolls in the freezer, if nothing else.
What was for supper at your house today?
I am really looking forward to circling through the other entries for 5 P.M.
at The Creativity Project.
(I am secretly hoping for some meal ideas. But if not, there is Pinterest.)
Sharon Covert is next in the circle, and at her house someone else had a job to do at 5 P.M.
Her post is way more fun than mine! Go there!
And we would love to know what 5 P.M. looks like in your world.
Post your entry on The Creativity Project on Facebook.