…that I have a blog.
I always leave it pretty much alone when I go away,
but this time I came back and kind of forgot to come back to blogging.
So that was relaxing.
We went to see family for two+ weeks at Christmas.
I am blogging about all of it right here in this post. So hang on.
At my brother's in Charlotte, our new niece gave us an amazing cello concert,
while our nephew (her husband) played Trivia Crack with us.
Multitasking entertainment. So good.
My brother Dave took us on a tour of the office where he and Mary work.
It's been quite a year for them at SIM.
This ebola outbreak has been close to home for them. Too close.
Heartbreaking. And then the next minute heartwarming.
They have been through the whole spectrum many times.
So it was a pleasure to meet the people they work with,
most of whom have left pieces of their hearts in other parts of the world.
We went on a fun outing and played a few games…
…before it was time to head down to our Georgia family.
And there we stayed for Christmas.
Lee's mom, Mona as we call her, was working her usual magic in the kitchen,
when the granddaughters started taking notes.
She is amazing.
I should have taken notes too, but I had a blast taking pictures instead.
I sure hope Bethany got all that.
We celebrated Jesus's birthday with cake.
The big kids played with the little kid's new toys.
Of course.
And everyone just enjoyed being together.
After that we left for the tropics
and Grandma and Grandpa
(aka my dad and Jeannie)
in Florida.

Grandma took us on a fun river cruise.
Our gift from them was a fun adventure nearby.
We had to pull together a little extra courage for this one!
It was a blast!

We had a few more days to play in Georgia before we had to head back north.
These two--how is it they can go a year between visits and pick up right where they left off?
Bethany got her hair cut by our talented niece.
And then, it was New Year's Eve.
Some people watched Toy Story 3.
Some people watched Georgia Tech trounce Mississippi State in the Orange Bowl.
There might have been angels singing. I'm not certain.
They wrapped it up with about two minutes left to watch the ball drop.
Just like that, 2015 blew right in.
I hope it's been happy for you so far!