So then I thought, HEY! Let's share!
Here's what we'll do:
Pick your favorite recipe or two to post. They should be relatively easy to make. Step by step photos make it extra fun, but are not necessary. Next Monday, December 8, I will put up a Mr. Linky so you can link to your post. And then you can zip around to find some other quick inspiration. It's that simple!
Here's one to get started: See those heart sandwiches up there? They are refrigerator cookie dough, rolled out and cut into hearts. Sandwich together with raspberry jam and decorate with tube frosting. (I've tried with the canned frosting, but it killed my hands!) Obviously my kids didn't do the decorating...but you could certainly come up with an easier way to decorate them. A green dab of frosting with Christmas swirl chips or white chips (yum with raspberry!), M&Ms or something like that! These little gems are as tasty as they are pretty--enjoy!
Great idea. I´m in!
Yummy! Although I was hoping we could share Beer Cheese Soup, cookies will be great! I'll have to rummage thru my recipe box when I get home this afternoon, OK? BTW, I've been nominated for a Pretty Neat Blog Award. If you have a chance, please come by my place and vote. Pretty Please?
Hey, I am new here! What a great blog :)
I've got just the recipe for you and your little chickens.
See you Monday!
fun idea, Tracy. of course, refrigerator dough is one of those things we DON'T find over here!!
Oh good, Mary--we should get a really interesting one from you, then, right? And if it has ingredients you can only get in West Africa, you might recommend a substitute. As it happens, I think any sugar cookie dough would work on these heart ones. ;-)
Tracy, count me in and I'll try and get some baked up tomorrow to have it posted.
Sounds fun.
I love recipes and what's a better way than this to generate some new ideas, recipes and friends.
I'll have to see what I can come up with.
I don't have time to get anything together (not that there wasn't enough warning, just an incredibly hard week) but I will be coming to get inspired by others!
I'll be joining in the fun on Monday! And giving you a Shout Out tomorrow, OK?
Sounds like fun! I'll see what I can come up with for the link.
Okey-dokey, I'll be there! Thaks for doing this.
This sounds like fun! I'm gonna do my best to join in! =)
Your plate of tasty treats look devine...I'm off to have a cup of coffee.
Cute blog!...found you via SITs
Cookie recipe? you got it chica. i've got just the one for ya.
P.S. Just stumbled upon your blog and i love it! thanks!
wow..sounds like fun
i'm new..i can still join in?
I have a recipe for something sweet and festive, but it's not a cookie, if that's okay? What a great idea! How fun =)
Well, since one of the reasons I was so exhausted last night was because I was baking cookies all day getting ready for a "real" cookie exchange next weekend, I'm in for this one, too. I need to save my recipe on my computer anyway, since I can never find it from year to year.
What a wonderful idea!
This is great! We live in Cost Rica and I just found brown sugar last week so we are ready to make some cookies.
Just in time for some serious baking...looking forward to it!
I know it's Tuesday, but I hope I'm not too late - I just found your blog, and this sounds like fun!
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