Well, it's time for me to sign off for the holidays. Christmas is coming early to our family and lasting more than twelve days. We will be going to spend the first Christmas our kids will ever remember with their grandparents. I'd say it's about time. We are all excited. But there is much left to do.
First, though, a sweet Christmas memory.
Lee and I have always sung in our church's Christmas musical. Our kids have sung along with the CDs as we've learned them, and they probably do a better job of memorizing the music than many of the choir members. Each year there is a song or two sung by the children's choir. Before our kids were old enough to take part, they always loved hearing these the best. One such song that the kids would belt out at the top of their lungs was about the real meaning of Christmas:
It's the Baby in the manger
Tiny infant sweet and small
It's the Baby, He's our Savior
Come to earth to save us all,
Come to earth to save us all.
Bethany was only 2 1/2 that year, and we thought we might be pushing our luck taking her to church on Christmas Eve. Not to worry. She was immediately enthralled by the candlelight. As the Biblical account of the events surrounding the birth of Christ was read, images from a children's book depicting the scenes were projected onto a large white wall above the platform. I was grateful that we were seated near the back, for little Bethany would not be deterred from standing on the pew to get as close as she could, and exclaiming, "It's the mommy! It's the daddy! It's the baby!" Never has there been purer, more joy-filled worship. She sang her heart out with the carols, even though she didn't know half the words. Blessed Christmas, indeed.
Now the kids sing with the choir, and it is our delight to listen as they lead us to worship the Baby...
who grew into the Man...
who would be our Savior.
Christmas blessings to you and your family!
Note: Last year when only about four (dear, sweet, wonderful) people read my blog, I wrote a few posts with my thoughts about Christmas. If you're interested, you can find them here: