Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: It's Grand Central Station Around Here!

(Well, maybe just a few words. Humor me.)

Apparently the word has gotten out that our house is a happening place. Bambi and Thumper obviously got the memo and decided to invite all their friends over for a party.  They didn't invite us, but at least they left their autographs.



I guess all the excitement was too much for poor Bambi, who had to take a rest.

Looks like a lively time was had by all.

I hope they realize that when gardening time comes, the party's over.


  1. How cool is that? Those are some great "autographs" you got. Love the one of Bambi taking a rest. Too funny! We miss out on these treats with no snow - but I'm NOT complaining!

  2. how beautiful! I wish we got snow like that! Seems like it missed us this year!

  3. Look at all those bunny trails. That's amazing. Of course we never see proof of their visits only the little prizes they leave in the yard sometimes. I think my yard must be the reststop along the way. :)
    I love the little foot (paw?) prints you got a picture of. Very sweet.
    ♥ Joy

  4. Looks like they had quite a time! Do you live near a wilderness?

  5. What fun. Have you seen a live sighting yet?

  6. what a hoot - love your commentary.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!