Monday, February 23, 2009

By Special Request: Lefse Recipe

I was quite surprised that some of you wanted the actual recipe to go with those pictures on my last post.  I am not going to post the pictures again, so you will have to scroll down for those.

Here goes...



3 c. potato flakes
1c. dry milk
1 2/3 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. sugar

Bring to a boil 3 cups water and 1 stick margarine.  Pour over dry ingredients and mix. REFRIGERATE OVERNIGHT.

Next day:

Add 1 1/2 cups flour, cutting in with pastry blender or knead in with your hands. Take piece of dough the size of an egg and roll on well-floured pastry cloth as for pie crust, rolling as thin as possible with the lefse rolling pin.  (It's a special rolling pin, which I cover with a special sock that I can throw in the wash. You can't wash the rolling pin, you have to use a brush to clean it otherwise.  You could possibly get away with a regular rolling pin with the special sock cover.) Cook on top of lefse grill preheated to 425º.  Turn with lefse turner when brown spots appear. Place lefse between cloths to keep it from drying out.  Serve warm with butter and sugar or brown sugar--cinnamon is good too.  Roll it up and enjoy!


  1. Oh how I miss Lefse... so much.

    Sometimes I buy tortilla's and put butter and brown-sugar on them and pretend they're lefse...

  2. we're going to try this. Of course I don't have that griddle like you have. I wonder if my cast iron skillet would work.

    We'll see and I'll report back.
    Thanks for the recipe.


  3. Joy, I can't wait to hear how it goes. If you make tortillas, I'm sure you can figure out a way to make lefse work. I am not sure how I would get it off the board and onto the griddle without the lefse turner. I would think once it has baked on one side, tongs would work for turning it over. Bon appetit!

  4. Thanks for posting the receipe. Now I can try it.

  5. sounds like something I'll need to try,my kids and DH will love them.Like Joy I've got a griddle,we'll have to see....thanks for sharing it!


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