Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bambi Returns

So here's "the rest of the story".  Yes, we have seen Bambi and friends a couple of times.  We don't have any really good pictures because they have to be taken through the kitchen window which may or may not be clean.  Although we live in the suburbs of a large metro area, we do live very near a county park preserve, which encourages a lot of wildlife.  We especially see a lot of birds, even an occasional bald eagle. We even saw a fox in our yard one time.

If you haven't met Thumper yet, click here, or here. The Thumper family has taken up residence en masse in the backyards on our block.  We hope they are busy making plans to move out.  Soon!


  1. Awwe! She likes it there! I see the snow is melting...

  2. Nice to have the wildlife visit in the winter. In the spring/summer, when you want your yard to bloom? Not so nice to have them visit. ;-)

  3. Aww! I see deer alot where we live, even though we also live in a metropolitan area. Unfortunately, most of the deer are "napping" on the side of the road.

  4. Thanks so much for coming by and visiting our Frugal blog. I hope you'll return often.

  5. That deer looks pretty fat and happy. He has a really thick coat on him. We see lots of deer here as we ride down the roads in our community too, but they don't need coats that thick.
    Great picture!



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