Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Winter Royalty


  1. Looks like you've been busy lately! I had a lot of catching up do do! I have been neglecting my blog and blogging friends lately. Life has been very busy around here.

    Thanks for stopping by this am. I appreciate the kind words. It is funny how a person whom most would consider a stranger knows me well enough to pick up on the little things. My grandpa passed away a week ago this past Sunday. We had is funeral last Wednesday. Though we lived far apart and the past few years have come and gone with little contact, I was shaken up by the loss, but ever thankful for the good times and awesome memories. I grieved his loss on so many levels. He has one sister left out of 6 siblings, who lives in Kansas. I've only ever met her one time. That generation is almost gone. I'm not sure why that has hit me so hard. I guess it has to do with the fact that there is so much wisdom and such a different life behind those years. Anyway, thank you for being a friend :)

  2. Those are so cute! I love Christmas decorations.

    SIT-Saucy Talk...I'm having another give-a-way on my blog....stop by if you have the time. :D

  3. Great shots. My parents used to have a Russian family like these... brings back memories!

  4. These are all wonderful photos...I really love the second one. Very pretty!

  5. Those are so cute! I have always wanted one of those but have no idea where to look for one!

  6. Well, this set was hand delivered to us from Russia. However, I would guess that World Market might have some. I'm pretty sure they sell online.

  7. Very sweet set.
    I love the look on the snowmans face. He just looks cold.

    We're cold today here in Houston. Wow! It's in the 30's and some around us are getting snow flurries and a little sleet.

    Believe it or not it was 72 degrees yesterday and so humid. I was in a tank top and today. Yikes. What a difference a few hours make.

  8. Thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll tracy! I'm glad you enjoyed reading through my post. :)

    I love those dolls! When I was a little girl I had some and they were some of my favorite things to play with. Brings back sweet memories. :)

    Hope you're having a great day!
    In His arms,

  9. I love these! My daughter wants a set for Christmas.

  10. The snowman is especially adorable!

  11. AHH!
    I missed the cookie exchange, didn't I? I am so sad.

    Can you believe this is the first time in weeks I have been able to check blogs. Really, it is. I have been the WORST blogging friend. ;P

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment. Yes, I did purposely leave Wall Drug out. Couldn't quit figure out how to tell people about the free ice water without making us sound strange ;o)

  13. Little Nesting Santa & Company...love them!

  14. Love, love love these! Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  15. I love all three of these pictures. The second one is my favorite. I love the perspective.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!