Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ho Ho HoLY Cow!

This is love at first bite. No reference to Edward here. I do not know the first thing about Twilight, except that I think I read somewhere they made it into a movie. 

No. Love at first bite. As in the kind with calories mouth-watering flavor. The kind where you think for just one minute that maybe you have a few pairs of jeans stashed somewhere in a larger size that you really liked pretty well. That kind of love.

I've made two recipes so far from my cookie exchange: Jenna C.'s Cake Balls, and Sherry's Microwave Fantasy Fudge. The fudge, well, it is just super creamy smooth yummy fudge. (I like to substitute a cup of butterscotch chips for one of the 3 cups of chocolate chips--my favorite!) But the CAKE BALLS are a totally new thing to me, and let me tell you, I am hooked!

I made "Gingerbread Snowballs" in keeping with the season, and they are almost gone, in a word, scrumptious. But you can use any flavor of cake, frosting and candy coating. Oh, the possibilities are endless.

Go make some. Seriously. You're my new hero, Jenna!


  1. You are WAY ahead of me, cookie-wise! I've been waiting for the girls to get home from college, but think I must start soon!

  2. Get thee away from me Satan! blessings, marlene

  3. THanks!!!! I am so glad that you like them. I made some extremely Christmas ones the other day that my friends Steve and Claudia ate like 5 each! THAT tells me they are great!

  4. I went to Walgreens yesterday and bought some tins. I'm making some of the cookie exchange recipes to put in them for our neighbors.
    BTW. On my post about my firstborn. I put her weight in backwards. It was 8 lbs 9 oz. Still big but not THAT BIG!. I don't know how I managed to do it. I didn't realize it until I read your comment. You had a Whopper!

  5. One day I'll have time to make fancy cookies too! Right now the priority is to get my Christmas tree and decorations up! However, I may have to make time for these cake balls - they look scrump-dillie-umptious!

  6. butterscotch chips in the fudge sounds like a good idea. I'm also partial to some marshmallows. I do have a little problem with fudge.... and it has a lot to do with needing a bigger size jean like you said!

  7. Your pictures are delicious...think I've gained weight just looking.

  8. They look delicious. All the best to you and your family in the New Year.


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