Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cookie Cleanup

Wow, that was fun!  I'm up to my ears in crumbs with a cookie hangover.  Nothing a little eggnog won't fix.

I had so much fun checking out the recipes, poking around some new blogs, and following the links to even more deliciousness.  My two favorite discoveries for recipes that are not on Mr. Linky are Cake Pops and Oreo Truffles.  As luck would have it, Tara R. and I both had the same idea, so if you happened to click on her link (#6), you realized you hit the jackpot because there are so many more recipes there!

Some of you so generously loaned me your creative juices to give a name to my pretzel treats!  I loved several of them, and had tried to come up with a "button" name myself, but none quite did the trick.  In the end, I'm going with Betty's idea, Pretzel Kisses, because you get both the sweet and salty sense of them--and that is really what makes them so special!  Besides that they're cute.  (And if you've never visited Betty, you should.  She is all the way from Paraguay, and her blog is a fascinating read!!)

Thanks to everyone who has posted recipes so far, and remember, it's never too late. And now, I need to go finish one of those recipes that I'm in the middle of trying.  Can't wait to see how they turn out!


  1. I have got to do this before this ends.

    Thanks once again for your words of encourgement. I never wanted to make my blog of forums but there are some things that are jsut too important!! You really do inspire me.

  2. I was making my "blog rounds" trying to thank everyone for visiting my blog during BATW and I saw cookie recipes EVERYWHERE. They kept me craving chocolate with a growling tummy all day long! :)

    I wish I had known about the cookie exchange earlier...it was a really fantastic idea.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!