It's a question I ask myself often.
I love the way it helps me pay attention.
This week's answers have all been found in my yard.
Among the trees.
The light has shown me a lot of birds that seemed to be playing hide and seek with me.
Especially chickadees.
And also--all this amazing color.
Here's a little secret I've learned along the way:
One tiny little step in another direction gives you a whole new picture.
The pictures above and below have identical subjects in focus,
but I "painted" my background--
the out of focus portion of the photo known as bokeh (pronounced boca)--
differently by varying my angle just a tiny bit.
This gives you a chance to select your color palette and the feel of your photo.
I did the same thing here.
I call this my popcorn tree because all these bright red little kernels
explode into fluffy white glory, and the smell they release is to die for.
One photo focusing on the colors of the tree...
and the same photo...
with some blue sky.

Of course the fans of pink are the real winners this week,
whether light or dark.

Until I saw all this soft evening light bouncing off of all my blooming trees,
I had never noticed that in the midst of all this pink
there was a whole glowing rainbow.
My neighbor observed me moving slowly about the yard with my camera.
She said she had seen a video I posted on my business page a while back
and said, "I really liked that thing you said about what the light wants to show you."
She actually recognized what I was doing. So fun.
What does the light want to show you?