Sunday, March 8, 2009

Look at that!

My sweet friend Marlene over at Stitchin' by the Lake had a contest several weeks back, and guess what?  I won!  Look at all the fun treasures that showed up on my doorstep. Marlene knew that I am using a lot of candles these days, and that I'm on a journey. But I love her handiwork the most.

I first found Marlene commenting on another blog I had been visiting, and I noticed that she was such an encourager. I just had to track her down.  Turns out that she was a quilter! I love quilts and used to do a lot of quilting. Now Marlene is sharing another passion of mine on a new blog, A Servant's Journey. I so enjoy following her story.

Thanks, Marlene!  You are one of those "True Friends" I was talking about the other day.


  1. That's lovely Tracy. I love it when bloggy buddies become good friends!

  2. Tracy I'm so glad you liked the gifts. Your blog stays at the top of my list and I always enjoy reading. Encouragement is a talent God gives to some just as He gives the gifts of teaching, prophecy, etc. and I know that encouragement is one of the gifts you received. You use it well. I've been visiting grandchildren for a few days so I'm playing catch-up on blogs this week - it will be a busy one! blessings, marlene

  3. What a nice package to receive. I love it all. That towel is sooo cute. I'll go check out their blogs.


  4. That is so cute. Love that towel.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!