Saturday, March 7, 2009

March Madness

So it's no surprise to find Ben and his buddies

This weather makes for some interesting uniforms.

...but they still fly!

Ours isn't the biggest

kid on the court, but...

Not too excited about coming home for dinner.


  1. Fun! They're probably just glad to be outdoors and not cooped up inside!

    Glad you're starting to thaw!

  2. Look at you all with the nearly 40 degrees. Congratulations on seeing all that grass starting to show it's long lost face.
    That Ben has the moves on the bball court. Good for him.
    Loved your action shots.


  3. Superior Snaps, all the way around! It's gonna be 80 here today, after 9 inches of snow last Monday! Just checking in...and reminding you about Sx3 today. Can you say Global Warming?

  4. Over there your getting warmer weather and we finally got some rain and cooler air. I guess we´re all happy!
    Loved the pictures!

  5. When being cold won't keep you from the game. Good times.

  6. That made me laugh! Love the spring uniforms.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!