Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: No school...Pancake Day!

Note:  Visit Little Momma and Company here for instructions!  I used my baster in the absence of a squirt bottle.  Use a squirt bottle.  ;-)


  1. Oh man, that is so very cool. I will have to try that with my teenagers. Might make them smile too!

  2. So cute! I'm sure my husband would like those! hehe

  3. so cute! no school on a wed? how do they rate? hope you guys had a good day! :)

  4. Very cute. My teenagers would still like them. Hope I remember them next time I make pancakes...maybe we'll have them for dinner!

  5. You are a fun mom!! I love it!

  6. Clever! I might have to try it. NOT with the baster, you say?

  7. Oh, golly...can I come over to your house the next time you have Pancake Day? Ya know what would go great on those flapjacks? Pop'rs!!!

  8. The baster worked, but needed refilling too frequently and didn't have constant pressure. Givinya, these would be a perfect celebration for your new kitchen! :-)

  9. So, cute! I'm going to have to try that soon.

  10. HowSupwer cute are these!!
    Thanks for the idea!!

  11. Love the pancakes!

    Thanks for stopping by my BATW yesterday!

  12. DANG! I want to have breakfast at your house. How come my mom never made me cool pancakes like that! I'm calling her up right now and let her know I feel cheated! Thanks for the visit today on my SITS day. I've had the best time following people home and checking out their place in blogland. And now I know where I can come for fun food!

  13. Those are some seriously cool pancakes!


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