Thursday, October 16, 2008

A walk down memory lane

The kids are out of school this week because of conferences and teacher conventions. I love that we have a whole week in the most beautiful part of fall so we can enjoy it together. Today we took a little road trip to visit my alma mater. I haven't been there in 20+ years, and I've been itching to to see how it's changed. 

Thankfully, this year my nephew Kyle gave us a reason to finally make the trip, by starting school as a freshman at Gustavus. Yea Kyle! 

The college is up on a hill, overlooking this beautiful valley. 

There are quite a few big, shiny new buildings on campus, but my favorite upgrade was outdoors in the arboretum.  Beautiful gardens, water features, an interpretive center.  I wish I could go for a walk there everyday.  There was even a display of scarecrows.

It was fun to see Christ Chapel again. It is so beautiful. It reminded me of how foundational my college years were to my faith.

What a blessing to get to share this visit with my family and be reminded of how the dreams of a young college student have all come true.  God is so faithful!


  1. Oh, those fall pictures! It looks like a beautiful campus, especially this time of year. Enjoyed walking down memory lane with you all.

  2. Beautiful family and beautiful pictures!


  3. Beautiful pictures! That must have been fun to go to such a beautiful college! That chapel is awesome too!

  4. So beautiful! Looks and sounds like a great place to further more than just your education!

  5. What a beautiful place to go to school! And I love the chapel!

    The last one was my favorite.

  6. What a lovely visit.

    Your comment on SITS has been laughing out loud... #724... hahahahahaha.

    And, they did look like twins!

  7. What a beautiful place!! And congratulations to Kyle for getting the chance to go there! Your kids are so cute!! They look so proud sitting there with Kyle!

  8. Amazing pictures. I so love the fall!

  9. What a beautiful campus. Looks like you had a great get away with your family. The fall colors are gorgeous and I love the church steeple.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!