Monday, October 13, 2008

SITS: So many blogs, so little time

It's time for the big day over at The Secret is in the Sauce!  It's the first ever SITS blogathon! Heather and Tiffany are great at celebrations, and they are promising prizes festivities all day long, so you should head right on over there.  No, not yet, AFTER you read my post here.  

I stumbled on SITS when they were just starting to get people to sign up for an opportunity to be their featured blogger of the day (which anyone can do, and they add new people all the time).  They were talking about being "saucy", and it took me awhile to sign up, because I wasn't sure I could deliver the goods.  But I discovered that while they are all about some fun, the real point of the deal is to build community and a provide a way for bloggers to encourage and support each other, whatever their style.  (Within reason...which I really appreciate!)  

Let me introduce you to a few of the many bloggers I've found inspiring, either on their SITS day or on mine.  Go check them out to see what I mean!

Melissa at Stretch Marks had me at hello. Oh my gosh. No one can make me laugh and cry in the same sentence like this girl. Hilarious! And deep. What a package! My favorite is her Foxhole series. Go to the Grand Finale, but follow the links to read parts 1, 2 and 3 first. Kleenex required. Goosebumps guaranteed.

Emily at Little Momma and Company has SO many cute ideas of things (especially foods) to make with kids. The recipe I need to remember to try THIS WEEK is her mini-caramel apples. There are just SO many things right about this blog!

Katy Lin at The Great Adventure started a Friday tradition called My Husband Rocks! It encourages other wives to pause weekly to think about what they appreciate about the man they married, and then to write about it in his honor. Imagine how the world would be different if every wife made a point of publicly appreciating her husband every week!

Veggie Mom over at Eat Your Veggies is way too much fun. She is my next-state neighbor, and we have a good time bantering back and forth over the outcomes of the football games. I would not have believed I would actually frequent a blog that has the sale of a product at the heart of it, but she kept coming by and making me laugh.  Uncle Lynn, Aunt Julie and the others seem practically like family now.  Kind of. I happened to stop by there on my lucky day, and won me some Pop'rs--yum yum!

Michelle at Outnumbered is a young mom whose blog is a fabulous reality check for all of us. She cracks me up. I got hooked when I read about the loaner she got when her Tahoe was in the shop. It was a Ford Fusion, which, according to Michelle, was "like [] this big".  Yes, she is always that descriptive!

Stefanie at Because I Pause first got my attention when a featured blogger had a virtual picnic and asked all of us what we'd bring.  Stefanie mentioned a food item, and also "a big basket that everyone can put their phones, iPods and other handhelds in until it's time to leave!" She knows her audience, and how to make sure she's living real life to the fullest.

There are so many more, some of whom I've mentioned before...but you would probably have more fun going over to SITS yourself and checking out the bloggers you find who look interesting to you.  Just do it.  You might win a prize make a new friend!  


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I've enjoyed meeting lots of new people.

    I think Givinya really dis-inspired many people with her poem, but I enjoy her blog so much.

  2. I think I'm addicted to Stretch Marks! blessings, marlene

  3. I just love coming over here. You take the best pictures. You are so right that is just not enough time for all the bloggy goodness.

  4. I adore your blog. It was bloggy love at first sight. Happy Blogathon day!!

  5. Hi Tracey! Replying to a comment you'd left for me, I actually did know you'd stopped by my blog before and told me that you were a card :) I wasn't going to mention it, though! But that first time you stopped by, you gave me the PERFECT advice about potty training. It was just what I needed to hear, just when I needed to hear it. I was feeling so anxious, and I read your comment, and it was like my brain was rearranged and all the anxiety drained away. So thanks again. I gave you a shout out on my SITS blogathon post :)

  6. thanks for the sweet linky love :) i appreciate you :)

  7. You found some good ones...and yes, Michelle is my new fave!

  8. Have a great blogathon day! It is going to take me about a week to get through all of the new blogs! Yay for SITS!

  9. Thanks Tracy, you are such an encourager! I gotta go check out those blogs that I don't know about yet!

  10. Happy Blogathon day from one SITSta to another.

  11. friends are better than prizes any day... well - MOST prizes at least...

    happy blogathon!

  12. I agree with you about needing Kleenex for Melissa's foxhole story. But oh so worth reading!

    I'll have to check out one of the other blogs, thanks!

  13. Happy SITS Day! I linked to you today.

  14. Another SITSta coming thru to spread the comment love!

    Great post!

  15. Great Post, Tracy! Glad I found you, isn't SITS great?

  16. Thanks for stopping by and for the encouragement! Hope you've enjoyed today!

  17. Hello Tracy P! I like your purple blog. Husband Appreciation sounds good - I must check that out!

  18. Hey Tracy! Did we meet through SITS?? Who can remember anymore. Thanks for stopping by!

    Happy SITS day!

  19. Thanks for stopping by today! You have a beautiful family. May God bless you and yours as you continue on the journey.

  20. Thanks for the linky love!

    I'm addicted to your blog, too. I love your new fall photo slide show!

  21. You have been such a wonderful SITSta!

    I am here a day late, but yesterday was crazy for Heather and I!

    Thank so much for supporting SITS from the get-go!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!