Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tis' the season?

A lot of people in our neighborhood go all out decorating for Halloween.  We went for a walk today, and there were skeletons, giant spider webs with big, hairy spiders, the occasional grave stone and miscellaneous other items of fright and fun.  Us?  Not so much.

When we got home, I put out our pumpkins and a couple of other things.  As I did I remembered a few years ago when we were coming home from somewhere on an October night, and decided to drive around the neighborhood to see the spectacle. Bethany looked at a few houses and declared, "MOM! DAD! We need to go home and get Joseph and Mary down and put them in our yard!"

The girl has her priorities right.


  1. I need to do more with Halloween decorating too! I love the pumpkins!

  2. Good for her! I love fall decorations, but Halloween.... not so much.

  3. A couple of pumpkins carved last week and already moldy, leaves that need to be raked....we're good.

    Love it when my kids say things like that!

  4. Giant hairy spiders seem to be all the rage around here! :)

    You are a step ahead of me. I haven't gotten anything out...yet!

  5. We don't do the Halloween thing either. I usually do decorate more for Fall - but this year with everything going on it just didn't happen.

    I love hay bales and pumpkins and fun scare crows - but I can leave the "scary" stuff for others. I don't do scary.

  6. I'm horrible at decorating the outside of our house for Halloween. Maybe I should just start decorating for Christmas now! hehe

  7. So, is it just me, or is this whole-new decorate-to-the-max Halloween thing a new phenomenon? I really don't remember decor like this from my childhood. And I currently live in a neighborhood where everyone really tries to "out-Jones" everyone else. Full-on cemetaries, webs, spiders hanging from trees, life-size skeletons & goblins & witches, and orange lights ... so much expense, and so much stuff to store for the rest of the year!!

    I'm happy with my painted pumpkins in the house.

  8. Not too long now and you will be able to put Mary and Joseph out there. I say November 1!

  9. It won't be much longer until she can get Mary and Joseph down.

  10. LOL it's not too far into the future that's for sure. We don't do any fall decorations. But I can't wait for Christmas decorating! My friend and I went to Old Time Pottery to get into the Christmas spirit so we could start shopping for the boys (she has two as well).

  11. I'm horrible when it comes to holiday decorating, especially Halloween. I need to get better for my daughter. LOVE that you put Mary and Joseph out!

  12. Oh, this is so funny because we sort of did the same thing! After my son went gaga over giant inflatable pumpkins in our neighborhood (we take a walk every night), we figured he'd enjoy one of his own. Well, I settled for a small plastic (but still light-up) jack-o-lantern. Your decorations are sweet.

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Did you know that Evelyn Young--who was famous for her Rye Bread at GAC--was the food service director at Camp Lincoln & Camp Lake Hubert for many years! She, sadly, passed away a few year ago, but anytime someone mentions "camp" and "GAC" in the same sentence, I think of Evelyn!

  14. Love the simple pumpkins you have out!! Thanks for stopping by my Kansas blog today!

  15. SO CUTE! I like to keep it simple for Halloween, windows only, and maybe a few pumkins. ;)

  16. What a great job you are doing, Mom!! Halloween decorations are getting out of hand!

  17. Oh my goodness! Another fantastic way to "celebrate" the season! I love it! There's still a week left before halloween, perhaps I'll head out to the garage and start pulling out our Christmas decorations too!


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