Tuesday, October 21, 2008

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Apple Orchard

The favorite thing at the apple orchard

was not the apples,

not the corn maze,

not even the pumpkins...

...it was the haystack.

Hands down.


  1. What a fun day! Your kids make great subjects for your beautiful photos!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Great pictures.

  3. So cute! Great pictures! Looks like so much fun!

  4. GASP! Your pumpkin patch is WAY better than out pumpkin patch...I LOVE your pictures. My favorite is the picture of the kids running threw the corn maze. SO cute! Good job mama.

  5. Who knew a bunch of dead grass could be so much fun!

    We missed peak apple picking here. We kept waiting for the "perfect" weekend, and well... still waiting.

  6. Fun! Happy!

    Your photos just keep getting better. You have an amazing gift.

  7. I LOVE those pictures!!! Fall fun picks ROCK!!!

  8. Looks like a great time and beautiful weather!

  9. Saw your comment above me on SITS! Great blog, I love this post. Makes me want to find the nearest pumpkin patch and take my kids and camera there!! Awesome...I'll be back :)

  10. Me again. Thanks for coming by today and I hope you got my response to your comment.

  11. So much fun! And I absolutely LOVE your photos!! Nothing better than apple-picking in the fall. Unless it's berry picking in the summer? BTW, how are your Pop'rs? Can't wait to hear what you think of them!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!