Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trick, or treat?

Halloween is coming. Some people are decorating. Some are making costumes. Some are buying candy. Some are eating candy. Some are deciding where to go to avoid the whole scene. Good luck with that, I say.

I have to admit that there is a part of me that would like to avoid Halloween. I'm not a fan of the dark side of the day. Not into gross or scary. Not really even into costumes. Yeah, I know. My sister made adorable new costumes for her kids every year. Not me. But kids LOVE Halloween, and mine are no exception.

When our kids were little, I was pondering what Halloween should look like for our family. Something interesting occurred to me.  This is the one day of the year where bunches of happy kids come to you for whatever you have to offer.  I asked myself, "Well, what is it that we have to offer?"

Free candy is good. But when the candy is gone, there is something even sweeter that is free every day of the year: the gift of life in Christ. And it's ours to pass on.

So now I love to get the kids ready, take the pictures, send them out with Dad, and stay home to give out our trick-or-treats.  Along with our treats, we always include a little something that lets the kids know about the great love that God offers freely to each of us. Now THAT'S an offer that's too good to refuse.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."
Psalm 34:8


  1. That's a neat idea. It's good to be able to be able to have the fun for your kids but ina way that makes you still feel good.

  2. Oh now that is super! We don't do much Halloweening here in Aus, but the retailers are trying to get us enthused so they can seel us stuff. They figure it's too long between Father's Day (1st Sunday in September) and Christmas (we don't have thanksgiving here.)

    And Christians here aren't so sure about the celebration of the dark and spooky.

    So I thought your Happy Halloween leaflets were just great! What an awesome idea!

  3. Great idea!

    You're shining like stars and holding out the word of life...

  4. What a great idea! I have the same "doubts" about Halloween as well. Is it something we as Christians should celebrate or not? And this idea brings some brightness into a "spooky" tradition!

  5. That's a great idea! It's a good way to put a little light into an otherwise dark day!

  6. I wasn't into Halloween much as a kid. I really didn't want to dress up ever; therefore, couldn't stand putting on a costume. However, I did love the candy and I still do. I think I buy more candy for myself than for the kids! :)

  7. Love the snaps, and love the sentiment behind your post! BTW, don't forget that we're starting a Great New Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway at my place today...22 different, fun prizes. Come play, today!

  8. And I forgot to add...even Previous Winners like you are eligible, too!

  9. That is a great idea. Last year we passed out bags at our church to the neighborhood that had a message about Jesus in it. We don't get any trick-or-treaters where we live though, because it is too far out in the country.

  10. That is a great idea!! I've never heard of anyone doing that, but I love it!

  11. Greetings from Virginia, which, of course, is for Lovers, Politics & History! Thanks so much for dropping in for my BATW Day in the Sun...Love your blog & REALLY love this particular post! Please drop by to see me again sometime soon!

  12. Very nice post. I always love stopping by! Very cute decorations too.

  13. What a wonderful idea!
    I'm one of those 'how to avoid the whole scene' types. I'm never sure what to do with a day that is made up to be such great fun for the kids, but with evil lurking in the corners.
    But I think you've got a great halloween tradition for your family and hopefully you won't mind if I copy it?!

  14. That is a great idea! We take our kids out on Halloween to trick or treat, so we're never home to get any boys and ghouls (ha ha ha, such a witty one am I)...

    But I will definitely file this idea in the "stuff I need to do sometime" folder!

  15. I love this...I handed out candy tracts several years ago, but haven't done it since. I am handing out pencils this year, but next year, I might attach something like yours to those pencils. Love it. And of course, I agree with EVERYTHING you said, because well you know, you are my long lost twin.


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