Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Friends


  1. What a fun picture of the boys :)

  2. These are both so fun, glad to see their happy faces with their friends! I especially like the top photo.

  3. Little friends are the best.

    Your daughter looks a lot like your husband and your son looks like you. But I'm sure you never hear that anywhere!

  4. Sweet!

    happy WW!

    By the way "I love you blog" :-)

  5. Those are so cool. I love the angle of the boy shot. Happy WW.

  6. Those are the sweetest pictures!!
    Thanks for visiting NC today on BATW. It took me a few minutes, but now I totally love you even if you cheer for the Purple/Gold (yes, I did just say that...hee heee).

  7. What cute pics! It looks like the kids have some great friends!

  8. What GREAT pics of good friends!

  9. LOVE the pic of the boys! Such a nice shot.

  10. Adorable! I love little girlfriends...until they start getting catty and mean...then they're just alright.

  11. Funny thing, I was going to mention that the little girl on the far right was SUPER adorable but then I couldn't remember if that was your daughter...and I didn't want to offend you if one of the other girls belonged to you.

    Then I published my comments and realized indeed she IS your daughter and now I feel comfortable telling you I LOVE her!!! She's SOOOOOO cute!!!! I mean really really really cute!!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!