Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lucky Me!

Look at this! Dawn over at Dawn of My Day nominated me for this award! It is called Arte y Pico, and when I looked it up, it sort of loosely means BEAUTIFUL. Wow, thanks, Dawn!  Dawn has a new gorgeous blog design, so she really deserves it herself.  Go see for yourself!

The idea is to pass it along to others who are making the blogosphere beautiful. So I am going to choose five blogs which I immediately recognized as "eye candy" when I first saw them. I think you'll see what I mean.  

1. Mary D. at Life Sights...Mary is my sister-in-law, and she is the one who got me started using a blog to share photos. She is also the one who got me taking pictures of food. It still makes me laugh, but hey, food is as colorful as my kids, and it HOLDS STILL! Her photos are in West Africa where they live, so they have a unique perspective.

2. Susan at Short on Words...she just takes the most gorgeous pictures! She makes it look like her family is always on vacation.

3. Melissa at A Little Loveliness...lovely indeed! This is the girliest blog ever!

4. Lauren at Trailing Spouse in Kathmandu...a snapshot--well, MANY snapshots--of life in Nepal. Amazing!

5. Tabitha at Fresh Mommy...she has great photos, but I also love the way she incorporates color into her text along with colorful words. Just delightful.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the award! I love your blog! And thanks for the sweet comments about my new layout! I am in love with it!

  2. Thank you so much, Tracy! I guess I am a girlie-girl at heart, because I took it as a huge compliment that my blog might be the most feminine one. I'll be pirouetting throughout the day at the thought!

  3. Hi Tracy, thanks so much for thinking of my blog. Between our recent power-cuts and my work schedule, I've been very limited in what I'm able to post. I appreciate your encouragement!

  4. Tracy -
    Thanks for making me smile (so, we look like we're always on vacation!?? wait til I tell the boys THAT ... that'll make them roll their eyes for sure and start telling me ALL the ways I work them too hard and how they need a little bit more vacation... ;-)

    Thanks for the sweet award!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!