Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Snippets

I love my church family.  Our vision statement calls us "...a vibrant, diverse family of faith". Today our vibrant diversity had a great chance to shine at our picnic. We have a Cambodian church that meets in another part of our building, and quite a group of Hispanics that are endeavoring to start a Spanish-speaking church. We have African Americans and a good number of bi-racial families. Everyone was there, having fun together.

We were celebrating the fact that after seven long years of planning, we are making final preparations to break ground on a new addition to our building, as soon as next month. I have been the prayer team leader and part of the leadership team for this effort we call Faith Builders since Bethany was a baby. And now, finally, our dreams are becoming a reality. Believe me when I say that there have been MANY detours in this process.  But it was more important that we arrive here together than it was that we arrive here quickly, so today I am thanking the Lord that we met and worshiped and fellowshiped as ONE today. It was a beautiful, beautiful thing.

There is another reason I've been appreciating my church family lately. First a little background:

We belong to a Baptist church, and when we have babies, we dedicate them to the Lord in the worship service, much like a baptism, only without the water. We believe this is really about a commitment on the part of the family and the church to raise the child to know about the Lord, and has nothing to do with the child's salvation. Later, once the child has come to the place where he is certain of his desire to live a life of faith in Christ, he can make the decision, as he feels led, to make a public proclamation of his faith through baptism. 

Let me just say that our church family has gone above and beyond the call of duty in nurturing our kids in their faith.  There have been individuals too numerous to count who have taught them in Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, and many other programs.  They have treasured and spoiled our kids.  They have high-fived them and asked them about baseball and appreciated their outfits.  They have embodied the love of Christ to our kids. Like crazy!

So it's no wonder that this summer Ben decided it was time to be baptized. He has believed in Jesus all his life, and has made a conscious choice to follow Him. And now it was time to let everyone know.  So here's how it went:

Ben understands how important his church family has been too.  He asked if he could be baptized at both services so everyone could see. 

Thank you, Lord, for our church family.

P.S.  Ben did not sprout a halo under there.  We are saved by GRACE through faith--all of us!


  1. Yay, Ben! It sounds like he is wise beyond his years.

  2. I have three children Tracy. Two have raised their children in the church and one has not. I just could not convince her of the very real necessity of having other people in a child's life who love and support them and who embody the love of Christ. She wanted them to have the "freedom of choice" - though born too late for it she is a truee "flower child". It saddens my heart. blessings, marlene

  3. Tracy, even though I was in the building, I didn't get to see Ben being baptized because I was doing my turn in the nursery. I was sad that I didn't get to see. Thank you for posting this video so I could see too! Love you!

  4. That gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. Childlike faith is a beautiful thing. Praise God!

  5. Melissa, thanks for commenting--that is exactly what I mean. Precious people were caring for Ben in the nursery when they would have rather been in the service. Hallelujah for those willing to make the sacrifice!

  6. What a special day! So happy for Ben and your whole family.

  7. Ooh wow - congrats to BEN!! you too on the fruition of ya'lls prayers and hard work.

    It really is warming to have a great church atmosphere and feel so welcomed.

  8. We love our church family, too! We've been a part of the same congregation since the girls were tiny. I love growing up around all the same folks! BTW, got a Great New Giveaway going on over at my place, to commemorate my 100th post--please stop by!

  9. Congrats Ben! What a great decision!

  10. what a wonderful sunday snippit...How blessed you are to have such a wonderful church family :o)

    (congrats to Ben :o)


  11. I love my church family, too. We actually drive across town about 1/2 hour to get to our church, even though there are several much closer churches, because we love them so much.

  12. I have an award for you on my blog :-)

  13. I can't see the video at work, but I'll check it out when I get home. I agree that having a place to raise children in that kind of environment is a blessing... we had it for a while, and I miss it...

  14. LOL so your secretly blog stalking me huh? *giggles*

  15. Any kind of baptism is always so touching!

  16. You're church family looks like a very cool bunch. And your son is such a little man. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment.

  17. Praise God for showing Ben His Truth as manifested in the lives around him! You must be 2 ecstatic parents on this day!

    PS. What did you use for the collage photo above?

  18. How proud you must be of your little man! It sure makes my heart smile to see a child choose to follow the Lord at such a young age. When my 2 were baptized, I could hardley take pictures through the tears! I, too, am overwhelmed at times by the outpouring of themselves (members of our church family)to my children. What an awesome thing to be a part of.

  19. Can you imagine life without church and a community of believers. I can't! I love that you put Ben's baptism on the blog. I love he wanted to be baptized at both services. How sweet. I thank God that both of my girls have accepted Jesus and both gave testimony to that thru public baptism. What a sweet time. I love we're Moms In Touch buds. I'm a CP down here in our school district in Texas and co-lead our elementary school and also attend my daughter's jr. hi MITI. I wouldn't miss it. Let's keep encouraging other moms to give MITI a try.
    Thanks for your sweet comment.


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