For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, you also will appear with him in glory." Colossians 3:3-4
These verses have taken me by surprise in the past few weeks. On first glance, I thought this would have been the perfect message for me to reflect on when I was home with preschoolers a few years ago. Compared to other chapters of my life, that was a stage when my life was very much hidden. So why is now the time that I hear this message echoing from so many places?
It seems that the answers lie in the questions. Hidden...not "from whom or what?", but "with whom?", and "where?" With Christ. In God. If another person could see me, in a literal sense, drawing near to God, my presence would be imperceptible compared to His greatness. Not that I have no value, but my value is completely enveloped in the glorious worth of my Creator. And Christ is my vehicle to this amazing hiding place.
The idea of being hidden in someONE reminds me of the time that Lee and I went to the Boundary Waters with some friends. A bear came to visit our campsite, so I grabbed my camera to take his picture. It's too bad the automatic flash worked--he either didn't like it, or wanted a closer look. There was a fallen tree between the bear and me, but when he started heading my way, I ran and hid--right behind Lee and the other guys. What made me think he would find them more intimidating, I'm not really sure. Thankfully, he decided to ramble up the path to the john and we never saw him again.
Being hidden with Christ in God is such a truly safe place, and such a place of intimacy with Him. I get out and about more often now, and it really is a good time to be reminded that my goal isn't to be noticed, or not noticed. My goal is that when people see me, I am reflecting HIM, and that when they don't see me, I am content with the security and honor of being hidden in Him.
As I pondered all of this today, I noticed these lyrics playing through my mind:
How could I stand here
And watch the sun rise
Follow the mountains
Where they touch the sky
Ponder the vastness
And the depths of the sea
And think for a moment
The point of it all was to make much of me
Cause I'm just a whisper
And You are the thunder
I want to make much of You, Jesus
I want to make much of Your love
I want to live today to give You the praise
That You alone are so worthy of
I want to make much of Your mercy
I want to make much of Your cross
I give You my life
Take it and let it be used
To make much of You
And how can I kneel here
And think of the cross
The thorns and the whip and the nails and the spear
The infinite cost
To purchase my pardon
And bear all my shame
To think I have anything worth boasting in
Except for Your name
Cause I am a sinner
And You are the Savior
This is Your love, oh God
Not to make much of me
But to send Your own son
So that we could make much of You
For all eternity
--"Much of You" by Steven Curtis Chapman