Monday, February 9, 2015

The Creativity Project: Red


When I saw the red theme for this month,
I could not even imagine what I was going to do.
Then I was somehow reminded of my "stash".


Back in the day, the kids and I used to craft it up for Valentine's Day.
Eventually, they were over it.
And I suppose I was over the mess.


But today, "red" sounded like a good excuse.
I've purged most of the stash, but I saved a few things that had exceptional potential.


The funny thing is, I had never really enjoyed the creative process
for the photo opportunity that it was.
I mean, of course there were a few pictures, 
but mostly there was glitter glue.
I was right there in the moment where I belonged.


So today, I enjoyed the little details.





And wouldn't you know,
Bethany came in and wanted to know what I was doing.
She got to work.
The girl has style all her own I tell you,
with these grown up, capable hands.


She was so fast that she was done before I had barely even noticed.
And then she was off to do her thing.



By the way--our creativity was fueled by these. Because yum. And red.


The Creativity Project is a group of photographers posting monthly according to a theme.
I can't wait to see what the others have posted.  They have so much creative energy.
Maybe somebody lives somewhere warm where there are flowers???  A girl can hope.
Maddy is next in the circle.  Be sure to go see what she's been up to.
We would love to see the red in your world on The Creativity Project Facebook Page!



  1. I knew you would come up with something fantastic. And sure enough, you did! : ) I love that Bethany came along and made a card. She is so thoughtful. You are a great Mommy. Hopefully your Valentine's Day is filled with love galore. XO

  2. So many great pictures! I'm glad that this theme prompted you to create something other than pictures! I guess that's what this project is all about :)

  3. I had to smile when I read your post and saw your pics. I'm knee-deep into this stage right now. :) Lovely images for red!

  4. see? love. spirit. light. warmth...

    how refreshing that creativity begat even more creativity, even more so that it refreshed a moment in time with you and your daughter.

    beautiful post, pictures and fleeting moments of pure pleasure (xo)

  5. "Because yum. And red" sums up this hole post! I love it


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!