Saturday, January 31, 2015

Invitation to the Thirsty


I am reading through the Bible this year.
It's not something I have ever endeavored to do before.
I'm such a slow reader.  So far, so good, but it's way too soon to tell.
I decided not to sweat it if I don't take in every detail.  
To not be frustrated if I don't make sense of every little thing.  
To let some of the questions hang, unanswered. (Gasp.)
Once upon a time I might have tried to connect dots that didn't go together.
I'm learning to get over that.

I have seen people take this photo before,
and have always thought I would like to give it a try.
As I am reading the Bible from a bird's eye view this year,
one thing I am enjoying is the way God's love for his people.
quite apart from their performance,
leaps off of the pages.

May you know today that the God of heaven and earth
is issuing an invitation to the thirsty
to drink deeply from his well
and be satisfied.


  1. It's so good to know that His mercy is bigger than my mistakes and that no matter how many mistakes I make His love is still there. :) blessings, marlene

  2. How wonderful! Don't worry about taking in every detail- He will reveal to you the things that He wants. Will be praying for you!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!