Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's been a little crazy around here...

I wish it were "Silly Week" at I Heart Faces.
I'm pretty sure I could win.

We've had such a busy month or two around here,
and not much time to write about it. But it's all good stuff.

Just a few random things:
Remember when I put winter on notice?
Well it worked. We've had some GORGEOUS
weather these last several days.

Remember Bethany's shoes from back to school?
I don't know whether she will wear them out
or outgrow them first, but either way,
I'll be so sad when their time is over.

Here is my heart, all in one place:

There's more good stuff ahead. Stay tuned.


  1. Great pictures and funny poses. Miss Bethany is the most fashionable leaf raker ever. Love her style.
    Looks like they were working hard on the leaves. Glad you all have had some great weather. This week is pretty here too.


  2. You def would win the silly faces! lol. Good to know things have been well, I will trade ya for that nice weather you have! What a wonderful post!

  3. Are Bethany's socks from the one dollar bin at Target? Cuase I think Essie has those same ones.

    I's SO glad you guys are getting some GOOD WEATHER!!!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!