Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Spring on the lake


  1. Those pictures are great.

    I didn't realize those little skinny legged birds (bottom pic) lived all the way up there. I thought they liked it in the warmer climates.
    Sorry the name of them would not come to me.


  2. Don't tell me...you have HERONS in Minny-SO-tah? These could have been snapped at the beach! Superior Snaps, I'd say!!!

  3. Yes, we have always had herons at the lakes around here. The pelicans surprised everyone. These photos are actually from the archive--they didn't make the blog last year for some reason. I looked back at the date, and they were taken in May, so who knows? Maybe they'll decide to come back.

  4. You know this could be the Great Salt Lake too. I am scared to death of birds but love to watch them from a distance.

  5. I love the white against the grey. Beautiful birds.

  6. Wow...these photos certainly fall in the AWESOME category! The water's not rising around where you are, is it? I know they're having problems on the other side of your state; hope you and yours stay high and dry!

  7. We are fine! Thanks for checking!

  8. BTW, I'm celebrating One Year in the Blogosphere with a special 2-day Sx3 today and tomorrow. The winner gets a $50 Tar-Jay Gift Card. Please say you'll play!


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