Friday, January 23, 2009

Sleepy Time

Last summer our zoo opened a new exhibit that has grizzly bears.  They are so much fun to watch--very active and playful.  I have wondered since the beginning whether they would hibernate for the winter.  A volunteer I asked in the fall said they weren't sure what would happen.  They would keep feeding them, so it wouldn't be necessary, but other than that they couldn't say.  

We finally went to check it out for ourselves. Had they nestled down for a long winter's nap?

They had.


Looks like bedtime at our house.


  1. Wow, you make those scary bears look so cute.

  2. I like the pictures especially the last one. They are having fun, right?

  3. I'm guessing there is glass between Miss Bethany and those bears. You can't even see it.

    No napping for these big guys huh.
    They have to earn their keep at the zoo. No sleeping on the job.


  4. That's funny, Joy--I was also amazed that picture turned out with no reflection at all. She looks like she could just snuggle in with them, and I have to admit it might be tempting. The glass we were looking through when they were wrestling is tinted, so it comes off with a bluish cast--but the glass in the den is just clear, and new enough that it's not all scratched up yet.

  5. Wow, that is really cool. I would love to see them.

  6. What fun. Glad there is some glass there!

  7. I really thought she was standing next to the bears without a barrier...GREAT picture!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!