Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In my humble opinion...

Clinics that specialize in women's health should send the following letter to the family of each patient after her annual preventive visit:

Dear Next of Kin,

We want you to know that today your loved one committed one of her most selfless acts of devotion to you.  We are quite certain that, were it not for her determination to give her ongoing service and care to those she loves most, she would not show up here every year and subject herself to the humiliating poking, prodding and squishing we provide.  We assure you that her diligent attention to such matters will help her stay around to spoil you for a good long time.

We suggest that you thank your loved one by taking her out to dinner at the restaurant of her choice, sending her out for some fun with her friends, giving her a gift certificate to a spa, or some other (large) token of your appreciation that to her would spell P-A-M-P-E-R-I-N-G. You'll want to make sure she'll look forward to coming back next year.


The Clinic


  1. Amen sista! Do you think if I send your post to Ben, he would take it seriously when my appt comes around? :)

  2. I don't know, but I'd be happy to be the friend he sends you out to have fun with!

  3. Seriously, you get a big Amen from me, too! I hate that day of the year!

  4. That is great!lol

    Yesterday I had to go for an exam where they um used some dye and did an US to make sure my tubal went well. I think hubby owes me big time for this. He did have dishes down when I came home, so that was a big plus.

  5. LOL...too funny! It is a very nice idea!

  6. I had one of those appt. this week too. My lady gyn wasn't available so I had to go to the guy dr. I hate that.
    Yes, we should get special treatment for our annual activities.
    Buster went for the "BIG" appt. last year. He has one procedure done in 20 years and it's the big one I understand. But we do this stuff all time. It was hard to feel much sympathy for him. Waa
    Anyway, I'm glad you went and got everything checked out and I hope your next of kin all appreciate you.


  7. Did that last week - got my "all clear" letter yesterday. I still hate doing it after all these years but I do know the value and so I continue. But a spa gift certificate would be lovely. :) blessings, marlene

  8. Funny...but so true! I think you should suggest this on your next visit...

  9. Here here!! I have mine apt next Friday. Could you come out here and we'll do dinner????

  10. Yes!

    And, would they send a copy to THE BREAST CENTER? I was twice pancaked there last Friday. Then I was topless and gelled for about an hour. And GOOD NEWS!(really) I don't have to go back 'til next year.

    Good girl for doing all that you can to ensure continued good health.

  11. So what should we get for having a baby?? (besides the delightful baby of course) Cuz that's just a series of unpleasant visits culminating in the worst pain known to mankind (sratch that...womankind). If a annual visit is worth a trip to the spa then the publisher's clearing house guy ahould be showing up at my door any second....

    I'm just sayin'...

  12. PREACH it sister...

    Having said that, I am overdue for a visit...

    Geez, I come over here and am convicted left and right about stuff...


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!