Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Snippets

Today was a great Sunday.  Everyone brought their Operation Christmas Child boxes to the altar during the service, and we had a prayer of dedication, asking God to bless the recipients in every way.  It was fun seeing the kids take their boxes up.  They have loved this.

The sermon was on the preeminence of God.  We learned that that's a word for making Him the main thing in our lives.  That's just what we've been learning in a Bible study I'm in using the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. It's based on the account of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42.  Jesus chides Martha for being worried about so many things, when only one thing is needed.  He's "the thing".  THE thing.  The ONE thing.  So it was good to be asked in a different way today, am I keeping him the main thing in everything?  As a family are we keeping him the main thing? Can we say that everything we do contributes to, rather than detracting from, keeping him the main thing?  It's actually a question Lee and I ask ourselves often, because we find it a struggle.  I believe that most of the things that we do have the potential to honor the Lord, but I'm not sure that all of them do.  Especially if they make us too busy to enjoy time with him.

Yesterday we attended the funeral of a man about my age from our church who had multiple disabilities, both physical and mental.  He had such a sweet spirit and beautiful smile. He used his gifts to serve faithfully as our greeter. The service was packed.  It was a truly beautiful tribute to Mike, and to his impact on his world. It was a humbling reminder to never underestimate the value of a life.

Last Sunday we had the groundbreaking for our new church addition.  This has been a LONG time coming!  God has truly stretched our church's faith in the process.  I think that perhaps in His plan, it has been much more about building our character and focus than it has about erecting a structure.  

As we broke ground, I was reminded of these words from scripture. Although they are a farming and planting reference, they still seem to apply.

"Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you." Hosea 10:12

Keeping him the main thing...


  1. Thanks for visiting me, Tracey. What a wonderful charity! :->
    I promise to read more later!

  2. awesome about the christmas boxes and the groundbreaking! oh - and i have been thinking of turning off my word verif. too! :)

  3. Your church family sounds like its just that...a family. I'm sorry to hear about the death of your friend though.

    I'm so encouraged by what God is doing in the hearts of fellow believers. Its like the stirrings of a revival!

  4. My Nana often spoke about keeping Him the Main Thing. It's hard sometimes in our busy lives to adhere to this, but I try, I really do!

    BTW, I'm celebrating 150 Posts...please come visit soon!

  5. Loud and clear. I am struggling ALOT right now with balance and trying to figure out what it is that HE really wants me to be doing versus what I really want to be doing. I have some rumblings in my heart right now. Not sure where I am headed.

    Great meaty post.

  6. That was a beautiful post. We had a Haitian priest visit our church yesterday to give the homily. He runs a small mission in the Tampa Bay area for all of the Haitian-Americans in the area. He was speaking about how all of the recent hurricanes that have spared us have completely devastated Haiti and how he is desperately collecting funds and non-perishables of all kinds (food, clothing, paper goods) to send to Haiti to help the people who survived try to get back on their feet. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him and his mission ever since then. My thoughts keep going to different ways that I can help them.

  7. Such a great post! Keeping Him the main thing is a daily challenge, but I keep trying.

  8. This is why I love coming here to visit. You're post are so uplifting. And I love the Having a Mary Heart in a Martha world. So very true. Hubby and I had a little chat about how important it is for us to pray always and not forget to live the way HE would want us to. This is hard at times in a Martha world. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts!

  9. Great post! Congratulations on the ground breaking! I love doing those little Christmas boxes--we call ours Magi boxes. They send them somewhere different every year. This year it was Mexico.

  10. You wrote another good one here Miss Tracy. We need to be reminded of this. I love that scripture in Hosea. I've got some unplowed ground that needs to be broken up. I'm so happy for your church and how exciting it is to build a new building. I know all those Christmas boxes will be a blessing to lots of kids around the world.

  11. OK, I'm not sure why I didn't think of the plastic shoe box sooner! We've assembled all of the "ingredients" for our OCC box, but I couldn't find a shoe box! :)


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