Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: The Fourth of July

Note: For those of you who would like a few words with these photos, click on the Fourth of July link to go to the photo set and a description. Especially about the turtle.


  1. What a fun day you all had. My 4th of July was not nearly as eventful. That flag cake looks great. Each year I tell myself that I want to make one and it never happens.

  2. Nice way to display your photos. Looks like it was a good 4th. Happy WW: http://tinyurl.com/5os522

  3. what a great set of photos! looks like lots of fun... i'm missing our cabin this year!! you weren't at Balsam Lake by any chance??

  4. Looks like a picture perfect weekend...with perfect pictures!

  5. Not Balsam Lake, but northern Wisconsin. I thought of you MANY times during the weekend, Mary. I don't know why I didn't get pictures of the smores--must be because I'm always involved in MAKING them and I want the camera as far away from the stickies as possible. NEXT time!

  6. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your comment. I had all sorts of witty things to say about your comments but when I got here and saw your "word verification" said "yglgjgi" I lost it all. That's got to be one of the funniest "random letters" things I've seen yet.

  7. What a lovely set of photos. Looks like it was a great holiday. Those fire photos are lovely, but so are all of the others. Cool cake too.

  8. HA! "Left her mark"! She's like Zorro, but with orange crayons.


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