Friday, July 11, 2008

"Many hands make light work"

It's amazing what we can accomplish together. I have always wanted to set the kind of example for my kids that makes service to others as natural as breathing. The thing is, it's much easier said than done. With many volunteer opportunities, people with small children are invited to participate if they leave them home.

One summer day a few years ago, we received a flyer saying that a group was collecting food for the community foodshelf, and that they would pick up any extra food we could donate the next day if we had it out on our doorstep by a certain time. I was grateful that the kids could help me pack some up in a bag to put on our step. It happened that I was outside when the collectors came by. They were two moms with their school-aged kids and several friends. I told them how glad I was that they were doing this, and they told me that they were just trying to keep their "tweens" busy doing good things. They had several others lined up. I'm STILL smiling thinking back to that conversation, because it opened my mind to some very easy and effective ways to make a difference.

So this year I recruited my Moms In Touch group (more about them later!) to involve our families in a few opportunities this summer. Today we collected about twenty bags of groceries from our neighbors to give to our local food shelf. How exciting is that! And it couldn't have been easier.

Afterwards we had a picnic together to celebrate. It was all so much fun...and all because of the example of a couple of other moms who simply served.

How about you? How have you involved kids (especially young ones!) in service to others? Please share!


  1. Moms in Touch sound like a wonderful idea! One of my daughters is interning at a homeless shelter this summer; the other is involved in a support group for a family whose dad has cancer. BTW, I'm new to the blogosphere, and I'm offering a Great Giveaway on my blog this week. Please stop in sometime!

  2. It's totally a vaccuum giveaway. I wonder if the same lady who contacted me also contacted Sarah Mae. Who is Sarah Mae??

  3. BTW, thanks for stoppy by my blog and entering! Please remember to Share the Comment Love, and tell all your Bloggy Friends about the contest, too. The more the merrier!

  4. Hi Tracy, In my town a group of moms of teenage girls were concerned about their daughters entering high school and all the decisions they would be making, all the new situations they would be faced with and all the new (older) friends they would encounter. They joined together and formed a group of Moms and Daughters whose primary goal is to do service for others. They all wear pink tee shirts with their logo (which I've forgotten at the moment) and you see them at all community events - the Relay for Life is where I saw them most recently. They're keeping their girls busy and they're cementing bonds while they instill in them a compassion for others. What a great idea! Blessings, Marlene

  5. What a fabulous idea! The only thing we have done recently is when my daughter's friend asked that we not buy birthday presents for her party but contribute the money to a charity. Our church heavily supports missions, so my daughter used her birthday money and the money she would have spent (plus about 50 bucks more) to send some kids that live in a Dump in Brazil (yes a real dump) to Bible Camp. It was $65 per child. So they sent two kids to camp and learned what real sacrifice is in spending that much money ($130). It was a perfect example of kids helping kids.

  6. Veggie Mom--I bet both of your girls are really having life-changing experiences in each of their endeavors. Those who are really struggling in this life are so often hidden from us.

    Marlene--That is a great idea! What a way to help those girls establish an identity of inclusiveness and service. Wow!

    Debbie--Wow, I know your daughter is pretty young to be able to make a sacrifice like that. I bet you were so proud you wanted to squeeze the stuffing out of her. Does she let you hug her even though she doesn't let you blog about her? ;-) I'm crazy about missions AND camp, so give her a squeeze from one of your bloggy friends.

  7. Sounds wonderful!

    And I am sure your children understand how lucky they are when "helping"! Makes for a great person!

    Thanks for the comment!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    This is such a good idea & I think that the younger they are when you start the better.

  9. sounds like a wonderful day for the kids..and some lovely life lessons being taught. wanted to wish you a lovely week.


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