Friday, June 6, 2008

Ten Amazing Years: Benjamin

So along came Benjamin. He defies being summed up, because just when you think you've put your finger on him, he squirms right out and gives you something new to consider. Let's just say I knew I was in trouble when he was three. We gave him a mini Blue's Clues computer for Christmas. It took him a few days to figure out the answer to every single question Steve could throw his way, and then he started giving the wrong answers. On purpose. And then giggling. "Don't you want Steve to know that you know the right answer?" I asked. More giggling. Thank the Lord he has not become the underachiever that I then feared he would be. Seriously!

Visit him for yourself at my favorite posts about him. He is so much fun!

True Love
Parlez Vous?
On the eighth day of Christmas...
Today's stretch of the road
Fun with Ben and Bethany
Never a dull moment

A lot of people say he looks like his dad...


  1. What a cutie. It's amazing how fast they grow!!

    ps my url is officially changed!!

  2. Awww... what a cutie!!! (And he does look just like you!)

  3. Benjamin certainly looks like his Mum! He's going to be a heartbreaker:)


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!