Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Tiffany over at Rural Chaos tagged me for this meme (Thanks, Tiffany!). Now you can learn more about me than you ever wanted to know!

8 things I am looking forward to:

1. Having fun with my kids this summer

2. More of my flowers blooming

3. My nephew’s wedding

4. Our family vacation

5. My next bite of chocolate

6. Bethany’s birthday party

7. Getting a digital video camera

8. Heaven

8 things I did yesterday (that was Thursday as I write):

1. Went to the arboretum

2. Got lost on my way home

3. Arrived late for the kids’ bus

4. Thanked God that Lee arrived home about the same time they did

5. Made supper

6. Went to Ben’s ball game

7. Uploaded photos from arboretum and ball game

8. Fell asleep while deleting and editing photos

8 things I wish I could do:

1. Finish the quilt I am making in time for a certain aforementioned birthday

2. Follow through on every act of kindness that crossed my mind

3. Play the piano

4. Keep my house clean and exercise without them taking time out of my day

5. Swim with the dolphins

6. Take professional quality photos

7. Avoid ever saying things I would regret later

8. Throw a frisbee like a normal person

8 shows I watch:

Seroiously? Since it would never occur to me to actually turn on the TV, I'd say whatever Lee is watching. That might be:

1. Anything to do with sports

2. The News Hour

3. America’s Funniest Videos (a family favorite)

4. Myth Busters

5. Anything on the War Channel History Channel (mind you, I don’t actually watch this one)

6. M*A*S*H reruns

7. The Daily Show

8. The Colbert Report

8 favorite fruits:

1. Raspberries

2. Papaya (sometimes the cashier has to ask me what it is)

3. Strawberries

4. Bananas

5. Grapes

6. Pears

7. Kiwi

8. Pineapple

8 places I’d like to travel:

1. The Swiss alps

2. New England in the fall

3. Senegal (to visit my brother and family)

4. The Canadian Rockies

5. Lake Tahoe

6. Washington D.C.

7. Anywhere that I can go snorkeling

8. Anywhere in Europe

8 Places I’ve Lived:

1. On the tundra

2. In a dorm

3. In a convent (and no, I was not a nun) overlooking Lake Superior

4. In the Philippines

5. In a basement looking out over a peaceful pond

6. In immediately post-Soviet Central Asia (I could see Iran from my house. I kid you not.)

7. In a condo

8. In suburbia

There! Now hopefully you learned something you didn't know before. Here's the part where I tag 8 people. TAG!! If you haven't done it yet, you're it! (Yes, I know I broke the rules. Tiffany is not legalistic like that. My blog, my rules.) If you do it, be sure to let me know in your comment, and I will add a link to you from this post. Have fun!


  1. I So love these things! They're so enlightening! Glad you played along ;o)

    Oh - and the whole you wish you could take professional, quality photos???? Ummmmmmm - I think you already do! Are you crazy?

  2. Very interesting! I have to say I'm with Tiffany on the whole professional photos thing. Yah, you're already doing that.

    And number 4 under things you're looking forward to should say 'Our family vacation to North Carolina'/stopping by to visit my bloggy friend Caroline. I'm just sayin'.

  3. I agree your photography skill are so impressive. Hey we love them.

    I'm excited to see this quilt. Hope it makes it on to the blog.

    You have lived some really interesting places. What an exciting journey you have had.


  4. Oh girls, you're too sweet! I am happy with my pictures, and I love my little point and shoot--it's all the camera I could ever need. I'm just saying that if I had a "big girl camera" like the one you see my cousin holding down below, AND if I learned how to use the thing, there would be a BIG difference! But that's not happening any time soon. I'm fine with that.

  5. You will have to blog about those interesting places you´ve lived!
    Sounds fascinating!

  6. Love the list...but wait, no Utah??? You could float in the Great Salt Lake and hike the mountains and eat Salt Water Taffy!!

  7. I also regret not following through on kindnesses that flit through my brain and do not get acted upon.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!