Sunday, June 7, 2009


My cousin Shelley and I spent a day at the arboretum last week. She mentioned she would like to go picture taking with me someday, and within five minutes I was scheduling it so she wouldn't change her mind.  She is a pro!

What we didn't realize is that we were picking pretty much the ultimate day ever to be there. They have entire gardens dedicated to peonies and irises, and they were both at their peak.  I have never seen anything like it!  

We have such a wonderfully creative God!! (Not to mention some very talented horticulturists.)

I had a blast taking all these photos. Even if they are the amateur version!


  1. Beautiful flower pics! And I love the baseball pics on the last two posts. Fantastic!

    Found your through the SITS roll call. Have a great day!


    I miss the arboretum.... looks like it was indeed the perfect day!!!

  3. The amateur version?!? They are breathtaking. If I could have one skill that I currently don't have, it would be photography. I don't think I have the smarts to learn though.

    I wanted to learn about how to get ultra-blurry backgrounds from this post by MckMama, but I didn't understand it.

    I don't have the right sort of camera to practice on though, because, knowing that I DON'T have the smarts, I steered clear of a camera with a higher IQ than my own.

  4. Tracy, Tracy, Tracy - your pictures are always so beautiful and inspiring. I wish I had all day today to go sit outside and take pictures. Maybe one day this week I'll get out in the pasture and see what God sends my way

  5. wow what amazing photos! Looks like the perfect place for it! very lovely.

  6. oh my those are beautiful pictures!!!! Looks like you had a great day and perfect weather to take the shots.

  7. They are all lovely!! I love them!

  8. These shots are absolutely STUNNING! I've got to get out more. Everything you've been posting recently just blows me AWAY!

  9. Yea!!! So glad you got to go to your Arboretum. Aren't they the best. You took some beautiful pictures. I played the slideshow a couple of times.

    It's neat to see the arboretums in different areas of the country. You have some plants that we don't. Probably too hot here.

    That is nice you have a cousin nearby that you can do things with.


  10. I don't think you're an amateur. these are beautiful.


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