Monday, September 8, 2008

Moms In Touch

Yesterday I promised to come back today with something that makes a difference to my kids while they are in school.  A big difference.

Let me go back to my teaching days, before I had kids of my own.  On a radio program one day, I heard about an organization that had groups of moms praying for their kids and their schools. Praying for the school's staff and student body.  I thought to myself, "Oh what I wouldn't give to know that there were moms out there praying for me, and for my students. Praying that I would be effective. Praying that I would reach kids that are hard to reach, and challenge kids that need a challenge. Praying that I would keep my cool with kids who challenge me. Praying that God's love would shine through me to my students and colleagues. Praying that God would turn the impossible into a possibility."  I wished for the day that there would be a Moms In Touch group for my school, and dreamed of the day that I would have kids of my own and participate in a Moms In Touch group for their school.

Three years ago, when Ben started kindergarten, my dream came true.  I logged on to the MIT website in the summer, did a search for our school, and voila!  There was already a group.  So I contacted the leader, and got ready to attend my first meeting in one of the members' homes. When I left that day, I was thrilled and disappointed all at once.  I thought, "These are women I would love to be friends with, but it will take forever to get to know them because all they do is pray." And it is true. The very beautiful thing about Moms In Touch is that if the group is run according to the organizational plan, we arrive, we pray, and we go on our way. There is not much time for chit-chat, and there is no time for airing complaints about school or our kids or husbands...we direct it all to the Lord and leave it with Him, because HE can do something about it. And let me tell you, He does. More about that later.

These women are now some of the most precious friends in my life.  It did take some time, but it was worth the wait.  Oh, so worth it.

This year I am taking over the leadership of our group.  I'm thinking of sharing some of our focal verses and thoughts here this year so if you're not in an MIT group you can find out a little more about what it's like.  I'll give it a try next week.  But why wait?  If you have kids in school, why not check now to see if there is a Moms In Touch group for your school?  If there isn't, maybe you should start one. You won't be sorry! And you will be amazed by the difference it makes.


  1. What a wonderful group! I will definitely see if there is one for our school system. It is amazing what happens when women pray together.

    I appreciate so much your comments on my blog yesterday. Although your messages were brief, I could see the depth of spirituality behind them. Your comment on my post "Bouquet of Blessings" was especially touching and beautifully worded. I hope you will plan to visit me again, as I will definitely be coming back here too!

  2. I didn't know such groups existed. I will certainly remember it though as my daughter will be starting school much sooner than I like. ;) Time flies when you're having fun. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice compliment. Come by any time. You're never late in my book!

  3. this is the first time that I have ever heard of this group. Sounds very positive!

  4. i had no idea there were such children are all grown now, but will encourage my daughter to check into it when the grands are school age...thanks for the insight...and I totally love your banner
    Congrats on being a SITS blogger

  5. Our church gets together once a week and we all pray for our towns schools...from elementary to the High school.
    Happy Sits day!

  6. Congrats on your SITS day :) Can't wait to read more!

  7. Hey there, Bloggy Friend! A Little Bird told me you're the SITS Featured Blogger today. Congrats to you, SITSta!

  8. Happy SITS day to you. I have heard of MIT. We have one for our school. Hope you have a great day!

  9. Wow - how great. That is such a great group and can help soo much!!

    Congrats of SIST! Love your blog!

  10. And if you GO to the MIT site, and click on About Us, and then Meet Miti Staff, and you scroll down to Staff/Department assistants, and look for a cute young lady named Sarah Beaver, you'll be lookin at my sister!!!!!

  11. I have never heard of MIT. I tried to find one in my girls school and they dont have one. :(


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!