Monday, September 8, 2008

The Difference 24 Hours Makes

If you read my "Back to School" post,  you will be happy to see what happened the next morning. I was so concerned that after a rough first day, Bethany would have a hard time getting into the swing of things. But with two doses of the pink stuff under her belt, she jumped out of bed, ate breakfast, finished getting ready and headed for the door. I told her she was way early, but that she could go outside and play until it was time. A few minutes later I grabbed the camera to capture her first healthy day of school.  She was already at the bus stop...with the middle school kids. And the bus was there. But it was the middle school bus, not her bus.  And she....

did not get on.  My smart girl knows her bus number, after all! Boy it was good to see her back to her old self so fast. She LOVES school!

There's something that makes an even bigger difference at school than 24 hours. But that's my next post. Stay tuned...


  1. She didn't get on the bus? Was she supposed to? Glad she's doing better and thanks for visiting! You are sooo sweet!

  2. Glad you asked, Briana! I clarified that now--NO, it wasn't her bus! She had gone down there so early (like 15-10 min) that they hadn't even left yet!

  3. Fun to see. They look happy, and can it possibly be that they look chilly? I have forgotten what that's like at this time of year!

  4. Smart kiddo! Early is always good-- we missed the bus this morning. It's the second week of school here:)

  5. Glad she is feeling better, that had to have been hard to start the first day with a yucky ear ache! My youngest bounces back like that, it makes them being sick so much easier. That sounds worse that what I mean, lol, hopefully you understand :)

  6. We had a sad first day of school, too, Kindergarten. But next day was fine. Don't you just want your kids to be happy. I am glad school and the bus are working out.


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